Chris Work
Technology Lead
Chris is a certified AdWords specialist with nearly 18 years of experience in paid and organic search marketing. He’s been at this so long, when he started, Altavista (huh?) was the web’s premiere search engine. Chris was born and raised in Dickson, TN (a little west of Nashville). After high school, he moved to Memphis to attend college, but left early to take a job as the web marketing manager for a firm there. But he left after one year to start his first search company, (he hates that he didn’t keep the domain name!). Over the years, Chris has worked with companies and organizations of all sizes, from start-ups to Fortune 500s.
Today, Chris, his wife and children are now back in Dickson, TN.
Fun facts: 1) Chris plays guitar, bass and drums and occasionally records songs (that no one will ever hear). 2) He thought Google’s IPO of $90 per share was pure insanity… oh well, you can’t win ‘em all.