Press Release:

Harpeth Marketing Launches 5th eBook on Marketing & Sales for Market Research Firms

FRANKLIN, TN, February 3, 2014 – Harpeth Marketing announced today the release of Marketing & Sales for the Market Research Firm: A Content Marketing Guidebook, a 20-page eBook that can be downloaded for free from the company’s website.

This eBook, written for firms in the market research industry, focuses on helping the reader to develop a hands-on understanding of how to plan for, implement and manage a successful Content Marketing program.

According to Steve Henke, President of Harpeth Marketing and former President of 20|20 Research, “Read through any marketing resource, website or blog post these days and you’ll see that Content Marketing continues to be one of THE hot marketing topics.  In this eBook, we help firms in the MR industry to understand what Content Marketing really is, the implementation process, how to integrate it with sales, effectively promoting content and the #1 secret to success.”

Marketing & Sales for the Market Research Firm: A Content Marketing Guidebook can be downloaded by Clicking Here.

ABOUT HARPETH MARKETING – Harpeth Marketing works exclusively with firms in the Market Research industry to put in place marketing & sales programs and systems that improve outcomes and increase revenues. They do that through a variety of outsourced marketing services, training programs and consulting engagements.  To learn more, visit (website), (blog) or contact Steve Henke, President at (615) 415-3980 or

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