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September 24, 2019

Not sure what sort of customer experience you deliver? Just ask!

Here’s a short [true] story about an incredibly effective way to understand what sort of ‘customer experience’ your firm is delivering to the marketplace…

We subscribe to a webinar platform called WebinarNinja… and have been a client of theirs for just under three years. It’s proven to be a very good platform for our webinar program and workshops. WebinarNinja is one of those fast-growing tech companies, led by a sharp and energetic leader. In this case, his name is Omar Zenhom.

One of the risks when running a growing company is getting pulled in a lot of different directions and, as a result, slowly becoming ‘distanced’ from your clients. Losing touch with them. Getting so wrapped up in dealing with all of that other ownership and management ‘stuff,’ that you become disconnected from what made you successful in the first place… those clients.

One of the risks when running a growing company is getting pulled in a lot of different directions and, as a result, slowly becoming ‘distanced’ from your clients. Click To Tweet

Frankly, this is a challenge for ALL business owners, not just fast-growing tech companies.

Omar – to his credit – isn’t allowing this to happen.

A few weeks ago, I received an email from him inviting me to chat for 15-20 minutes so I could give him my opinion about our customer experience working with his firm. I agreed and we had our chat last week.

Interestingly, it wasn’t a phone call… it was a video chat – which made it much more personal. And it was not just a “feel good” call… he really wanted to get at the core of our customer experience and understand why we were WebinarNinja customers. For example, he wanted to know:

  • Why we chose WN in the first place… and versus what competitors
  • What we liked best about the platform… and least
  • What big problem WN solved for us

When we were done, I turned the tables and asked him a couple of questions about this client interviewing program… and his answers surprised me. He said that the feedback:

  • “Confirmed and challenged many of our assumptions”
  • “Is forcing us to rethink who our customers are”
  • “Has given us some new ideas about marketing “

Wow! Pretty impactful!

Now ask yourself these same questions… When was the last time you talked with a bunch of your clients (and not about projects)? Confirmed or challenged your assumptions? Made sure you really understood who your clients were?

We all get crazy-busy running our companies. And it’s so easy to get wrapped up in all of those busy-ness details that we forget about the core of our business… our clients. So, before you start your planning for 2020, now would be a good time to reach out to several of your clients for a quick chat… and make sure the foundation for your future – the customer experience – is on solid ground.

Omar, I hope my comments were helpful to you last week. Because your insights were certainly helpful to me. Thanks.


Looking for some other ideas to get ready for 2020? Join us for the Think. Plan. Do. Workshop.™, an online event taking place this November. You’ll graduate with an armload of skills and resources as you dig deep into the right strategies for your firm, craft a complete marketing plan and prepare to execute your marketing at the highest level. CLICK HERE for complete details.

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