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April 24, 2012

Don’t bury old-school advertising just yet…

I know, the marketing & sales world appears to be driven these days by social media, blogs and websites.  But I find it very interesting that many of these ‘social’ sites or users of social media are turning to old-fashioned advertising to make a name for themselves.  Two quick examples…

The city paper here in Nashville is The Tennessean.  And like almost all newspapers these days, business and readership are declining and so they are doing what they can to move their business and their marketing online.  As I write this post, they are running an advertising campaign in their publication (almost daily), promoting the chance to win a motorcycle (targeting young people?!) for everyone that ‘likes’ them on Facebook.

Also, there’s a new online couponing site called Sweet Jack, where visitors can purchase heavily-discounted coupons to area restaurants, retailers, etc.  (similar to Groupon). To help launch the opening of their business here in Nashville (for both customers and retailers), they have embarked on a massive radio advertising campaign.  I have been listening to their ads for a couple of months now, daily, with no sense that it’s slowing down.

My point is… before you move all of your marketing resources and efforts online, make sure to think through all possible avenues of promotion and communication for your marketing plan.  Doing so can give you a competitive advantage.

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