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August 27, 2014

Are there any GREAT Marketers in Market Research? Let’s recognize them!

winner 4I spend a lot of time writing about what’s wrong with marketing in the market research industry… and how to fix it.

Lousy websites. Ineffective email marketing. A lack of content marketing. No strategy or planning. Cheesy social media marketing. Way-too-wordy print ads. And so on… and so on…

But not all MR firms do bad marketing all the time. In fact, I’d like to ask for your help in recognizing those firms in our industry (research firms, fieldwork & recruiting firms, technology shops and panel providers) that do exceptional work when it comes to their marketing.

So put on your thinking cap and let me know who’s doing a great job in any of the following categories:

  • Website
  • Blogging
  • Email marketing
  • Advertising – print, banner or PPC
  • Exhibiting
  • Social media – Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ or Facebook
  • Sales team
  • Written Content – articles, eBooks, case studies, white papers, etc.
  • Other Content – webinars, videos, podcasts, etc.
  • Unique strategy/positioning
  • PR
  • Other marketing

If you’d like to recognize any MR firms for their excellence in any of these categories, just email your ‘nominations’ to me at Send me the company name, category and – most importantly – any details and the reasons why you’re recognizing them. Please respond by September 5th… and I’ll publish the list of “winners” in my blog post on September 10th.

Two rules:

  1. C’mon… no nominating your own firm!
  2. Winners don’t actually receive anything… except a little recognition.


Thanks for your help.

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