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November 16, 2012

Harpeth Marketing Launches Lead Nurturing Program™

I’ve blogged about the benefits of Lead Nurturing on a couple of occasions (Click Here or Click Here to read them)… and now we’re doing something about it.  I’m pleased to announce that Harpeth Marketing has just launched our Lead Nurturing Program™.   Lead Nurturing is the on-going process of building relationships with prospective buyers that are not quite ready to buy, with the goal of earning their business when they are ready.

We’re all too familiar with the common lost opportunities in our industry – the business cards gathered at a conference that never get followed-up on… or the hundreds of names in an in-house database that are cold and getting colder.  The Lead Nurturing Program™ eliminates those problems.  In this program, we reach out to our clients’ clients to build relationships on their behalf, to maximize awareness, enhance their position in the marketplace and ultimately, to have them included in more bid opportunities.

To learn more about this program, go to:

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