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March 15, 2016

How to Be Remarkable

FullSizeRenderIn Seth Godin’s ground-breaking marketing book, Purple Cow, he espouses that all businesses should aspire to be ‘remarkable’… as a way to stand out from the crowd and build their brand.

On a recent trip to Dallas to visit my son, Alex, I got to experience something truly remarkable – something Godin, himself, would be proud of! My son took me to a place called Top Golf… ostensibly a driving range – but it was s-o-o-o-o much more! Top Golf combines the skill and sport of golf (they even provide the clubs) with the food and beverages of a fun sports bar (delivered to your ‘driving bay’) with the scorekeeping and competition of bowling (yup – it’s on the overhead screens here, too). It’s all very hi-tech/hi-touch… and it’s only $20/hour for all the balls you can hit, regardless of the number of people you’re with!

It not only redefines what a driving range is… it has created an entirely new category and made it a new kind of destination… ideal for fathers & sons, small groups, corporate outings and dates. A wait of more than 2 hours is not uncommon.

Top Golf is a great reminder that ‘remarkable’ is achievable…. that something truly different will capture people’s attention… and that a unique customer experience will create loyalists who come back again and again.

Now, I realize that we work in the much-more-boring world of B2B professional services, but that doesn’t mean that ‘remarkable’ is not within our grasp. At the very least, it’s something we should constantly strive for.

So, how can you make progress toward ‘remarkable?’ Think about these questions…

  • What are you doing to continually learn about the newest methodologies, tools and technologies available in the marketplace… and looking at those to help create a breakthrough service, product or process?
  • Are you reading industry publications and attending conferences to hear what industry thought-leaders are talking about… then considering how their futuristic ideas and visions can impact your business?
  • It’s easy to develop a myopic view of things after working in one industry for a while. Are you drawing inspiration and developing an objective perspective by looking around outside of our industry?
  • Most importantly… are you talking to your clients, prospects and ex-clients? Are you learning from them what they want and how to [dramatically] improve their customer experience with your firm?

“Remarkable ain’t easy” – but it is achievable – if you’re open to the possibility of new ideas and new directions. Now, go find your purple cow and be remarkable!

P.S. Color me excited… a Top Golf facility is opening in Nashville later this year! 🙂

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