The Competitive Advantage
August 4, 2020
Why Full-time Sales Reps Fail in Our Industry
Hint: It’s almost never the sales rep’s fault.
There is an all-too-common occurrence among Market Research firms. It seems that when they finally summon the nerve (and resources) to hire a full-time, 100% business development professional (i.e. a ‘sales rep’), that sales rep fails (and is subsequently fired) almost every time. And pretty quickly, too. I can count on one hand the number of firms I know where there has been some level of success with this structure.
The question is, “WHY does it fail?” What is going on at all of these research firms that almost predisposes the sales rep to failure?
Continue ReadingJuly 28, 2020
12 Things to Do When Launching a New Service or Product
Congratulations! With the extra time you’ve had on your hands recently, you and your colleagues decided the time was right to launch a new service. Not just a small upgrade to what you’re already doing… but something entirely new. That’s terrific news.
Continue ReadingJuly 21, 2020
The Top 10 Marketing & Sales Blog Posts of 2020 (so far!)
In the first six months of this year, more than 5,000 visitors spent some time on our blog, The Competitive Advantage. A deep and genuine “thank you” goes out to all of you who visited.
At the half-way point in the year, I thought it would be interesting to look back and see which articles attracted the most readers. Not surprisingly, several of the top posts were about conducting marketing & sales during the pandemic. But not all of them.
Continue ReadingJuly 14, 2020
12 Touchpoints While Waiting to Hear Back from a Sales Prospect
I signed-up a new client last week. Pretty excited about it, too. And it only took 2 years to make it happen! :-0
Do you have clients and prospects that are slow to respond? OK, maybe not 2-years-slow – and that was certainly an anomaly for us – but waiting to hear over a period of weeks, or even months, can be very challenging and incredibly frustrating.
Continue ReadingJune 23, 2020
Make Role Playing the Centerpiece of Your Sales Training. Here’s Why.
True story: My first job after college was as a sales rep for the DuPont Company. While much of the 3-month training program was technical in nature, we also spent a good deal of time developing our selling skills. And on one particular day, we were tasked with doing some role playing (and it was to be videotaped!). My training scenario was that I was visiting a client (played by the Sales Trainer) who started complaining vehemently about the terrible quality of our product. After 30 seconds of being berated by the client and trying to respond appropriately, I just froze up, looked at the camera and said, “Help me!”
June 16, 2020
The Best Marketing Strategy? “Try It and See!”
While there have been a few remakes over the years… many of us remember the very first Life Cereal commercial featuring ‘Mikey’ ( which debuted in 1990. It features a couple of young brothers who didn’t know what to expect from a new breakfast cereal their parents gave them. So, they pass it on to their little brother, Mikey, who – to no one’s surprise – tries it and likes it!
June 9, 2020
Marketing & Sales During the Pandemic: Invest or Wait-n-See?
I’ve talked with a lot of business owners in our industry over the past few months, and every firm falls into one of just two buckets… those that are actively investing in marketing & sales during the pandemic and those that are standing pat and taking a wait-and-see stance.
And by ‘invest,’ I don’t necessarily mean money (though a little of that wouldn’t hurt)… I’m talking about a commitment to an active marketing & sales initiative. To spend the time and effort to make it happen… and then to stick with it.
You can easily guess which side I come down on, but not because marketing & sales are the businesses we’re in… but because it really is the smart thing to do.
And here’s why…
Continue ReadingMay 26, 2020
Is Your Website Helping or Hurting Your Business? Find out here…
OK, let’s be honest… other than putting up a new blog post occasionally, how long has it been since you spent any real time on your website? And looked at it with a critical eye?
In today’s highly-competitive, fast-paced world, if your website isn’t up-to-date, then your firm is falling behind. So, to make sure your website is an asset – and not a liability – here are the four key website elements you need to review:
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