The Competitive Advantage
May 10, 2022
A Great Customer Experience Comes Down to One Thing
I spent several days last week with my grandchildren at Disney World in Orlando (yes, that’s my grandson in the photo). It’s been almost 20 years since I was last there and Disney hasn’t missed a beat… the customer experience there is still unmatched.
As I walked through the parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom), I kept asking myself, “Why is the experience here so good? What are they doing that’s so special?”
Continue ReadingFebruary 9, 2022
A Great Experience with a Used Car Salesman… A Lesson for ALL Salespeople
‘Great experience’ and ‘used car salesman’ are generally not two phrases you see together, but in this case, it’s true… and the story provides some valuable lessons for all salespeople and seller-doers.
September 21, 2021
Your Customers’ Experience (CX) with Your Firm Can Make or Break You!
I’m a bourbon drinker. But sadly, this blog post isn’t about bourbon… it’s about CX – the customer experience.
As a bourbon drinker, I have gotten into the habit of sending bottles of bourbon as gifts to clients. And I’ve been using a website called to do it.
It’s a really easy site to use… to find the particular product I’m looking for and to have it sent. But recently, I had a problem with a purchase there.
Continue ReadingJune 15, 2021
If You’re in Sales, Your Job Is Not to Sell!
Yeah, I know… sounds kind of wrong, doesn’t it? But let me finish that statement. Your job is not to sell… it’s to help buyers buy.
This philosophy is based on the premise that ‘people don’t like to be sold, but they love to buy.’ Think about your last car buying experience. There’s nothing that feels quite as good as driving off the dealer’s lot in a beautiful, brand new car. But leading up to it, you dreaded going to the dealership because of the pushy salespeople. You didn’t want to experience that sort of pressure or be forced into buying something that wasn’t quite right.
Now think about your role as a sales rep or a seller-doer. If you make a sale, that’s good for you… you win. But maybe it’s not what’s best for the client. However, if you help the client make a good buying decision, that’s a win-win.
Continue ReadingMarch 30, 2021
Why don’t research firms conduct research on themselves?
We’ve all heard the saying that “The cobbler’s children have no shoes”… which means, in business terms, that some companies are really good at doing things for their clients, but not so good at doing those same things for themselves.
And there’s no escaping that predicament in the Market Research industry.
For the nine years we’ve been in business, we’ve worked with scores of market research firms across the U.S. and around the world… and with relatively few exceptions, none of these firms conduct any research on themselves. Specifically, they’re not doing any post-project customer satisfaction surveys.
Continue ReadingFebruary 16, 2021
The #1 Reason Why You Lose Clients? Arrogance!
Sure, there are a lot of reasons why you lose clients… you messed up a project or a competitor dramatically under cut your prices or your key contact left the company. But the #1 reason why you lose clients is ‘arrogance.’
You assume that your good work is enough to solidify your relationship with the buyer. It isn’t.
You assume that your good work will keep you top-of-mind with clients. It won’t.
Continue ReadingNovember 17, 2020
Your Sales & Marketing Focus Is All Wrong!
When you think about sales & marketing, what comes to mind? For most business people… it’s about acquiring new clients – about building awareness in the markets or industries they serve, then generating sales leads that lead to new business.
And that’s wrong!
The fact is, when you think about sales & marketing, your first priority – the primary focus of your strategies and planning – should be to maintain and grow your current client base.
Continue ReadingFebruary 18, 2020
5 Reasons Why Former Clients Will Come Back to You
True story: Over the past two weeks, four different firms reached to me to ask about our services and how we might best work together. What makes this a bit unusual is that – at some point in the past – I had a relationship with every one of these firms.