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December 22, 2018

The Top 9 Marketing & Sales Blog Posts from 2018

Over the past 6 1/2 years, we’ve published more than 350 articles in this blog… with close to 50 of them in 2018. And, not surprisingly, some enjoy much higher readership than others. So, in case you missed them earlier this year, listed below are the most widely-read blog posts from 2018. Enjoy!

Want to improve your sales results? Sell like a doctor.

Think. Plan. Do. A Smarter Way to Grow Your Firm

Avoid these 8 Rookie Mistakes with your Next Capabilities Presentation

5 Times When You Should Turn Down a Project.

The Perfect Sales Commission Plan! Sorry, it doesn’t exist.

3 Simple Sales Tests to Use When Hiring a New Rep

How to Sell to Market Research Buyers, Part 1

How to Sell to Market Research Buyers, Part 2

And the #1 most read article of 2018: How Many Times Should a Sales Rep Follow-up? Here’s the REAL Answer.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in the content we’re making available. In addition to our blogging in 2019, be on the lookout for the re-launch of our Cup of Coffee Webinars™ program, as well as the publishing of new Cup of Coffee Tip Sheets™ and eBooks.

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