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August 15, 2017

Content Marketing Has No Value, If No One Sees It!

content marketingIt’s very interesting… almost all ‘content marketing’ planning sessions focus solely on the first word: content – what topics are to be covered, who you’re writing for, which keywords should be focused on, which format you will use (blog, case study, eBook, infographic, etc.) and who’s going to create it.

But that’s only half the equation. Many people (most, in fact) assume because their content is “good” (at least they think it is), that it will be found by their target market. Not necessarily!

Imagine if you put up a new blog post and no one reads it… or you create an eBook and no one downloads it… or you schedule a webinar and no one registers for it. When that happens (and it does!), you’ve wasted a lot of time, effort and resources.

The problem with content marketing is that most people forget about that second word: marketing. Yes, you know that the content can help you to market your business… but it’s also a good reminder that you have to take steps to market the content as a means to drive people to it.

For example, if you’ve just published a new blog post (or other similarly ‘lite’ content), then a few, simple promotional steps are really all that are needed. They might include some posts about the blog on social media, re-publishing it on your LinkedIn profile and linking to it from your monthly e-newsletter.

On the other hand, for those “big” pieces of content that take a lot of time and effort to develop (e.g. an eBook, white paper or webinar), a more robust promotional plan is in order. In addition to the activities listed above, the plan for big content might also include pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, digital banner ads, a press release, sales team involvement and more.

Bottom line: When it comes to content marketing… any time you make the decision to create a piece of content, you should also take the time to develop a plan for promoting that content.

Good luck and good marketing.

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