Do you know who your customers are? Sure you do. You can probably describe them with some level of granularity. And you know, in a broad way, what they do and how they use your services. Good.
Well, I received a phone call (actually, they left a voice mail) yesterday that showed that not everyone is as smart as you.
Our name was in the press recently because we launched our new workshop. A sales rep for a Sample company saw it – evidently our name was not in their database – and proceeded to leave me a long message about how we had “never had the opportunity to talk” and how she hadn’t had the chance to tell me about all of her “survey research solutions.”
Now I understand that sales reps have quotas and need to make cold calls to hit those quotas… but before you start dialing, take 2 minutes to make sure that the firm you’re calling fits some minimal profile of a client. It will save you and the sales prospect valuable time.
And it’s not a difficult thing to do… just go to their website (especially the What We Do section). If for some reason that’s not enough, you could also:
- Scan through the content they produce.
- Read through their blog.
- Check out the firm’s and the contact’s LinkedIn profile.
- Or Twitter, FaceBook, etc.
There are plenty of online resources to help a good sales rep prepare for a successful sales call. Those same resources can also keep a bad sales rep from embarrassing themselves and their company.