The Competitive Advantage
October 31, 2016
Revenue Growth? Try the ‘5% Challenge’… it’s Brilliant!
I’ve known John Boyens for more than 15 years now. John is the Founder of the Boyens Group and is one of the top sales and management consultants and trainers in the country.
John recently delivered a presentation on revenue growth at a conference (see photo) where the topic was his “5% Challenge!” The premise of his challenge is that several types of small, incremental gains (5% gains, to be exact!) can lead to significant revenue growth.
As I looked at the details of the challenge, I couldn’t help but think that they were a great fit for our industry, as well.
Challenge 1: Improve client retention by 5%.
Look at your business over the past 5 years. What percentage of your clients in 2012 returned in 2013? And what percentage of your 2013 clients returned in 2014. And so on… and so on. Imagine if you could have retained just 5% more of your client base… what would that mean for your business?
Continue ReadingOctober 26, 2016
Stop Setting Stupid Sales Goals… Think Small Instead
I had a boss (the company Founder) several years ago who would set the annual sales goals for our company… without much regard for what was really happening in the marketplace. The trouble was – and no surprise here – that he set ridiculously high goals (think 50%+ growth or more). Then, the rest of the team would jump through hoops to re-do all of the plan and budgets… all the while knowing that there was no way in hell we would come close to achieving those goals.
That’s NOT how to do it.
Continue ReadingOctober 18, 2016
Your Key Accounts Need More Love!
Here are 6 ways to make that happen.
In the 4+ years we’ve been open, I don’t think I’ve spoken with a single research firm that doesn’t have 40-50-60% (or more) of its revenue tied up with just 3, 4 or 5 clients. Losing a small client is bad enough, but losing one of these ‘Key Accounts’ can be devastating. So, what can you do to ensure this doesn’t happen to you?
October 11, 2016
The Secret to Sales & Marketing Success? It’s Right in Front of You.
Maximize revenue growth by leveraging your sales database.
There are two kinds of sales prospects – those you know (and who know you) and those you have yet to meet. However, too many sales & marketing initiatives focus on trying to uncover more of the latter.
I submit, however, that the opposite (focusing on those you know) is a more efficient and more effective way to grow revenue.
Think of it this way… you’ve spent a ton of time, money and effort trying to increase the number of contacts in your sales database. Now it’s time to leverage all of that work.
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