The Competitive Advantage
April 26, 2022
Building Awareness: It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows You!
Building awareness. It’s the beginning of the marketing process. The fact is, buyers can’t buy from you if they don’t know you exist or don’t think of you when it’s time to buy.
And yet – despite being a fundamental precept in the growth of any business – building awareness continues to be a common stumbling block for many firms in our industry.
Continue ReadingApril 19, 2022
500 Blog Posts and Counting…
I know it’s hard to imagine – and it’s even difficult for me to say – but this is the 500th blog post we’ve published since opening our doors 10 years ago (10 years ago this week, coincidentally). That’s about one blog post per week – every week – for 10 years. And boy am I tired!
When I mentioned this little factoid to someone recently, they asked, “What does it take to do that… to crank out a fresh piece of content every week?” I couldn’t give a good answer then, but after thinking about it for a few days, here’s how I think it happened:
Continue ReadingNovember 9, 2021
Repetition Builds Reputation
Why do the big advertisers run their ads on TV over and over? And over? Simple… repetition works. Sharing your marketing message frequently – over a period of time – builds top-of-mind awareness.
Further, building awareness is an ‘additive’ process… each exposure of your message building on the one before as you slowly climb to that top-of-mind position.
Continue ReadingJuly 5, 2019
I just published my 400th blog post!
Yeah… it’s a little hard to believe, but this is the 400th blog post I’ve published since Harpeth Marketing opened its doors a little over 7 years ago. And it’s not just the blog posts… we’ve also published a dozen eBooks, numerous Tip Sheets, as well as delivered several conference presentations and a bunch of webinars.
There’s a ton of time and [some] money rolled up in all that content. Has it been worth it?
The answer is a big, unequivocal “YES!” And here’s why…
Continue ReadingMarch 12, 2019
When Building Awareness, Drive Your Prospects Where You Want Them to Go
I was doing some reading this past weekend on building awareness for brands and was overcome with the realization that nearly every one of the marketing experts who wrote one of the articles I read was WRONG!