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December 30, 2019

The Top 11 Most-Read Marketing & Sales Blog Posts of 2019

As you may have seen in a post earlier this year, in the 7+ years since starting Harpeth Marketing, I have published more than 400 articles (this one is #420, to be exact!)… making this blog, The Competitive Advantage – the #1 marketing & sales resource in our industry! One of the benefits of writing so frequently is that my writing has developed a bit of a following (both on our website and on my LinkedIn profile). So, at this time every year, I like to look back at the articles I posted over the year and showcase those that were the most popular.

For your reading pleasure, here are the 11 most read marketing & sales blog posts of 2019:

#11: Business is Just Business… Keep It in Perspective (December 17)

As we approach the end of 2019 and the start of the Holiday Season, make sure you’ve got the right perspective on your life and your business.

#10: 5 Questions Your Website Has to Answer for Prospective Clients (March 29)

As you critique your website, remember to put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer and answer their questions in a way that will resonate with them.

#9: As a Small Business Owner, Your Clients are Buying YOU! (May 5)

As a small business owner, your buyers are buying you… it’s how you respond that matters.

#8: All Clients Are Important, But Large Clients Matter More. (June 11)

Make sure the continued patronage of your large clients is a priority for your marketing & sales efforts moving forward.

#7: How to Maximize Your Time as a Seller-Doer (July 16)

As a seller-doer, you cannot control a buying decision; you can only hope to influence it. But what you can control is what you DO. Your activity. So, work to achieve a series of “Activity Goals.”

#6: Human-to-Human… The New Old Way to Be Successful! (January 29)

Don’t just communicate with people, but genuinely connect with them on an H2H level.

#5: Former Clients: A New Path to Growth? (August 27)

Why not reach out to your former clients and try to rekindle some sort of relationship?

#4: Why the Seller-Doer Model is So Challenging (April 16)

The seller-doer is everywhere in our industry – business owners & managers who are tasked with revenue growth in addition to their “full-time” jobs.

#3: Hard selling inside of LinkedIn? Stop it, stop it, stop it! (September 17)

LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for helping to grow your business… just be smart in how you use it.

#2: Want to host a GREAT sales meeting? Follow this blueprint. (August 20)

Planning a big sales meeting like this – when your entire revenue-generating team is out of the field – has to be a home run.

And the #1 most-read article of this past year…

8 Ways to Leverage Existing Relationships to Grow Revenue (March 4)

Rather than focus your business development efforts on finding new prospects and clients, make ‘leveraging existing relationships’ the cornerstone of revenue growth.

To all of you who are regular readers of my blog posts… a sincere THANK YOU.

From all of us at Harpeth Marketing, we wish you a safe and happy New Year… and a successful and prosperous year of business in 2020!


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